An adaptable Discourse Analysis instrument and method to explore Caring and Compassion

Louise Terry, Roger Newham

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aim: To explain the development of a discourse analysis (DA) instrument and method for an international nursing educational research project on caring and compassion as expressed in different media. Background: Narratives, particularly when visual and auditory elements are added to words, reveal cultures and behaviours, such as those present within professional and service settings. DA enables researchers to explicate meanings and understandings linking culture and behaviour. The instrument design and method drew on Gee’s work with specific attention to the analytic shortcomings of DA identified by Antaki et al. Data sources: The instrument was piloted by 7 nurse educator researchers from 5 universities in three countries (UK, Ireland and Canada) who nominated 2 books, 1 journal article, 2 poems and 2 films then used in the full project. Review methods: This is a methodological paper. Gee’s ‘toolkit’ was informative but we expanded, developed and structured our data analysis instrument into seven sections creating one instrument to analyse the data. Following a pilot stage, a study design that addresses data synthesis was developed and presented here, helping ensure overall rigour. Discussion: The instrument facilitated systematic, multi-modal data analysis by several researchers from different countries and backgrounds. DA seems well-suited to reveal the complexity of understandings of caring and compassion by health and social care educators capturing both ‘objectivist’ and ‘subjectivist’ accounts and whilst allowing differences also facilitated some commonality that together can usefully be used in education of care and compassion in nursing. Conclusion: The discourse analysis instrument and method facilitated understanding of the complex social phenomena of care and compassion and can be adapted for use by other nurse researchers examining complex human issues.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-12
JournalNurse Researcher
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jan 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • rigour
  • discourse analysis
  • care
  • compassion


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