Contests with Ex-Ante Target Setting

Research output: Working paperDiscussion paper


"I study contests in which each player is ranked by a scoring rule based on both her performance and how close this performance is to a private target, set before the contest.
Each player’s decision problem is to choose her target when performance is subject to a random component. I analyse the incentive properties of target setting, derive conditions on the primitives such that equilibria exist and characterise the players’ behaviour. I show that target setting generates outcome uncertainty under a large class of conditions. In
particular, neither private abilities nor perfectly correlated states are necessary. Target setting, therefore, has important implications in contest design as outcome uncertainty is a salient determinant of consumers’ demand for contests."
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCentre for Research in Economic Theory and its Applications, Discussion Paper Series, University of Warwick
PublisherUniversity of Warwick
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018


  • contests
  • target setting
  • competitive balance
  • incentives
  • incomplete information


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