Finding Public Service Media in a Global Mediascape

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Findability is a pressing issue for PSM in an environment characterised by networked media and communications. This chapter analyses advanced website and network practices used by The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Nesta, and DuckDuckGo to illustrate nuanced approaches to ensure the findability of content on the web in various applications (tablets, smartphones, laptops, etc.). Building on earlier research (Jackson 2014), the author argues that the use of advanced database-driven platforms within the Internet offer opportunities for tagging content, for personalisation, prosumerism, and the recommending and forwarding of content. All of that increases visibility. Secondly, the author suggests the use of customer-relationship management systems, which enable storing and analysing user preferences. This is also helpful to ensure that PSM content is readily visible. The author is especially concerned about the need for PSM news to be easily findable as an independent high quality alternative to commercial online news aggregators.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCrossing Borders and Boundaries in Public Service Media
Place of PublicationGothenburg, Sweden
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jan 2016


  • visibility
  • personalisation
  • news aggregators
  • social media
  • findability
  • news
  • networked communications
  • customer relationship management
  • public service media


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