Multi-site European framework for real-time co-simulation of power systems

Abouzar Estebsari, Steven Vogel

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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology. The framework for virtual integration of laboratories enables co-simulation and joint experiments that include hardware and software resources hosted at geographically distributed laboratories. The underlying concept of such framework is geographically distributed real-time (RT) co-simulation. To this end, digital RT simulators are interfaced over long distances via shared communication network such as the Internet. This study proposes an architecture for a modular framework supporting virtual integration of laboratories that enable flexible integration of digital RT simulators across Europe. In addition, the framework includes an interface that enables access for third parties via a web browser. A co-simulation interface algorithm adopted in this study is based on representation of interface quantities in form of dynamic phasors. Time delay between RT digital simulators is compensated by means of phase shift that enables simulation fidelity for slow transients. The proposed architecture is realised for the integration of laboratories across Europe that are located at RWTH Aachen University in Germany, Politecnico di Torino in Italy and at European Commission Joint Research Centres in Petten, Netherland and in Ispra, Italy. The framework for virtual integration of laboratories presented in this study is applied for co-simulation of transmission and distribution systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4126-4135
JournalIET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2017


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