Only a click away? – What makes virtual meetings, emails and outsourcing successful

Karin Moser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Good communication is vital for organisations at all phases of the economic cycle. In virtual, multicultural teams it is complex, sensitive and can be a considerable challenge. Karin Moser’s article, ‘Only a click away’, illustrates how even the tiniest matters – such as etiquette, forms of address and degrees of informality – can have significant effects. Outlining the differences between on-site and dispersed teams, Moser shows how norms of behaviour are unconsciously formed and maintained by people who meet face-to-face regularly and argues that different approaches must be actively implemented when developing dispersed teams. The article concludes with a handy list of practical tips. This article was a winner of 'Management Articles of Year 2013' in the UK.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-30
JournalManagement Articles of the Year
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • virtual teams
  • future of work
  • remote leadership
  • hybrid working
  • virtual communication
  • differences in onsite vs online collaboration
  • remote working
  • social norms


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