The Effect of Configurational Entropy of Mixing on the Design and Development of Novel Materials

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The configurational entropy of mixing (∆Smix) has a profound influence on the stability of various phases in different materials at intermediate and high temperatures. Recently, it has been observed that ∆Smix can be used as an important tool to design novel multicomponent materials with fascinating properties. ∆Smix affects ∆Gmix and tends to stabilize the FCC/ BCC/HCP multicomponent solid solutions over brittle phases including compounds. This opens up vistas to design novel solid solution-based materials with improved mechanical, functional properties. Accordingly, multicomponent and multiprinciple alloys were developed in 2004, and subsequently, novel ceramics and polymers have been designed. The present paper is intended to provide an insight into the role of ∆Smix to design novel metallic, ceramic as well as polymeric materials.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1127-1134
JournalProceedings of the Indian National Science Academy
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2019


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